Spares & accessories
MACS Cool offers a wide range of air conditioning and refrigeration spares and accessories. Our high-quality products are priced very competitively. Below is a list of our spares and accessories.
Vibration Eliminators
Tube Insulation (Wincell)
Non-Drip Tapes
Heater Tapes
Shell Driers
Pencil Driers
Receiver Driers
Burn Out Driers
Bi-Flow Driers
Oil Filter Driers
Suction Line Driers
Suction Line Burn Out Driers
Various Fittings: Copper & Brass
Oil Separator
Refrigerant Suction Accumulator
Refrigerant Receiver
Sight Glasses
Shut Off Valves – Manual
Solenoid Valves
Ball Valves
Air-conditioning Service Valves
Non-Return Valves
Line Tap Valves
Reverse Valves
Rotolock Valves
RV Receiver Valves
V-Series Valves
Check Valves
Expansion Valves
HP/LP Auto & Manual
Domestic Thermostat
Mechanical Temperature Controllers
Electronic Temperature Controllers
Probes & Peripherals
Domestic Defrost Timer
Various Thermometers & Loggers
Thermo Protectors
Overloads & Relays
Kulthorn Electrical Boxes
Starting Kits
Control Boxes
Axial Flow Fans
Duct Fans
Other Fans
Fan Motors
PC Board Fans
Latches, Hinges & Brackets
Various Tools & Consumables
View our Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Equipment pages for more products.