Air conditioning is part and parcel of our modern-day world, ensuring that working conditions and driving conditions offer a superior level of comfort, especially in extreme weather conditions. In order to lessen the burden on the world around us, it is obvious that the air conditioning industry and the gases that are used in air conditioners need to be environmentally safe and friendly. Many manufacturers have gone to great lengths and enormous expense to ensure that the ozone layer and the environment are not adversely affected by the use of air conditioner gas that is harmful to the air around us.
Air conditioning units are equipped with energy-saving devices and also eco-friendly gases which are now making inroads in industry right across the board.
Air conditioner gases and refrigerants:
- Refrigerants are the gases are the driving force in the heating or cooling of the air in air conditioning units or in heat pumps.
- Without these refrigerants the units or devices would only be fans.
- The small air conditioning units that are installed in our homes use hydrochloroflurocarbons – otherwise known HCFC’s.
- The most oft-utilised hydrochloroflurocarbon used has been HCFC-22 (R-22) also known as Feon, but is now being phased out completely due to its properties that are harmful to the environment.
- Thankfully the phasing-out of harmful refrigerant gases was begun around about ten years ago – R-22 being one of these and which is commonly found in the units of motor vehicles.
- Of great importance is that the total and complete phasing out of this refrigerant, so detrimental to the ozone layer should be effective from 2020.
- Puron is a refrigerant gas called R-410A and is the main product that will soon be replacing the R-22 gas in commercial and industrial air conditioner units.
Gases are one aspect of saving the world around us as far as our air conditioning units are concerned – but there are other ways to save – and that is by making use of inverter air conditioners that make use of the new inverter compressor technology which is more energy efficient and a lot more effective.